
2024-04-27 10:20:05 来源:永叙文学 点击:0
1、若你不哭不喊,便无人关注你的痛苦。 If you don't cry or shout, no one will pay attention to your pain. 2、月下徘徊等花开,风不眠又是一夜思念寒! Wandering under the moon and other flowers, the wind does not sleep is a night of cold thoughts! 3、你怎样都行,但我不可。 You can do anything, but I can't. 4、尽管人群拥挤,每个人都是沉默的,孤独的。 Despite the crowd, everyone was silent and lonely. 5、我们的影子背后有许多灰色的十字岔路。 There are many gray crossroads behind our shadows. 6、分手时你说的每一句话,都让我想死。 Every word you say when you break up makes me want to die. 7、树欲静,而风不止。我欲爱,而她不在! The tree wants to be quiet, but the wind doesn't stop. I want to love, and she's not here! 8、爱过,刻骨,痛过,心碎,即便伤口还流着血。 Love, bone, pain, heartbreak, even if the wound is still bleeding. 9、败在未成眷属的无奈。毁在终成眷属后的倦怠。 Lost in the helplessness of not being married. The tiredness destroyed after the marriage. 10、我庆幸遇见了你,却遗憾只是遇见了你。 I'm glad I met you, but I'm sorry I just met you. 11、忘不了的过去,走不过的曾经。 Can't forget the past, can't walk once. 12、去你妈的祝你幸福,不好意思我做不到。 I wish you happiness. I'm sorry I can't. 13、你知道心脏最深处是哪吗?是我爱你的地方。 Do you know the deepest part of the heart? It's where I love you. 14、有时候自己所要珍惜的不是爱,是自找的伤害。 Sometimes what you want to cherish is not love, but hurt yourself. 15、面如夏花,我的悲伤隐匿在灿烂的笑容中。 Face like summer flowers, my sadness hidden in the bright smile. 16、我知道我需要的,仅仅只有自己能给自己。 I know what I need, only I can give it to myself. 17、醉生,醉死,醉红尘,花开,花落,花无心。 Drunk life, drunk death, drunk world of mortals, flowers bloom, flowers fall, flowers have no intention. 18、无数次的擦身而过,装做不经意。 Countless times passed by, pretending to be casual. 19、那离别时的痛,你感受到了吗?是那样的伤心。 Do you feel the pain of parting? It's so sad. 20、爱注定被伤害,所以我现在被你伤的以不知道痛。 Love is destined to be hurt, so I'm hurt by you now. 21、长不过执念,短不过善变。 Long but persistent, short but fickle. 22、愿来生能做春风,流浪又自由。 I wish I could be a spring breeze, wandering and free in the next life. 23、我爱你,可你却把我的那份爱当成了笑话。 I love you, but you take my love as a joke. 24、几分痴情,几分在意。 Some infatuation, some care. 25、看得清楚反而朦胧,越是了解反而越是惶恐。 It's hazy to see clearly, and it's frightening to understand. 26、不断地来来往往,不断地分分合合。 Constantly come and go, constantly on and off. 27、得到的时候你在毁,失去的时候你在悔。 When you get it, you are destroying it. When you lose it, you are regretting it. 28、纵有千虫百蛊,哪一样及人心歹毒。 Even if there are a thousand insects and a hundred poisonous insects, which one is as evil as the human heart. 29、爱你没有原因,只需要有你一颗永远不变的心! There is no reason to love you, just need to have a heart that will never change! 30、吹过我的风,都会代替我拥抱你。 The wind that blows through me will embrace you instead of me. 31、是你的错,还是我的错,还是现实的错。 Is it your fault, or my fault, or the fault of reality. 32、喝醉是对自己的解放,也是对你的释怀。 Getting drunk is not only a liberation for yourself, but also a relief for you. 33、现在的我爱你,到将来就会变成,我恨你。 Now I love you, in the future will become, I hate you. 34、幸福,不是曹操,说到就到。 Happiness is not Cao Cao. It's all about it. 35、你走吧,只要我不说没人知道你给我承诺过什么。 As long as I promise you nothing, I don't know. 36、心已疼到忘了该怎么去拭掉,为你流的泪。 Heart has been painful to forget how to wipe off, for your tears. 37、以为你会在乎我、是我太自以为是了吧。 Think you will care about me, I am too self righteous. 38、孤独是一首缠绵的诗,丝丝缕缕笼罩着你。 Loneliness is a lingering poem, which envelops you. 39、要成为人,就先把自己想的不是人。 If you want to be a person, you should think that you are not a person. 40、看着我,你在说谎,看着你,却无法伪装。 Look at me, you are lying, look at you, but can't disguise. 41、最终,我还是没得到自己想要的自由。 In the end, I didn't get the freedom I wanted. 42、你一定还想和他和好吧,毕竟你说心软是病。 You must still want to make up with him. After all, you say that being soft hearted is a disease. 43、我可以惯你一辈子,也可以立马换了你。 I can be used to you all my life, or I can change you immediately. 44、错过不也是一种结果,回头又能留住什么。 Miss is not also a result, what can be retained back. 45、迁就你的人,不是没有脾气,是舍不得你。 The person who gives in to you is not without temper, but reluctant to part with you. 46、用漫不经心昦态度,过随遇而安的生活。 With a casual attitude, live a life of ease. 47、那些花儿绽放的全部美丽,是我沦陷的思念。 All the beauty of those flowers is my missing for the fall. 48、你可能也不爱我,只是刚好遇见我。 You may not love me either, but you just met me. 49、我站在原点,始终很怀念,而你却慢慢走远。 I stand at the origin, always miss, but you slowly go away. 50、与其苦苦地哀求挽留,不如重新开始一段新恋情。 It's better to start a new relationship than to beg for retention.




